As we close out 2020 and begin 2021 renewed with hope and faith, I want to take a moment to honor all the hard work that the Innovo Detox team put forth this past year in such an incredibly challenging time. We opened our doors at the beginning of a global health pandemic that shut down the world, so to say that I am incredibly proud of our team at Innovo would be an understatement.


When I reflect on this last year and the weeks leading up to us opening our doors on March 16th, I think about all the excitement, motivation, hard work, and hope that quickly turned to fear when COVID-19 took the nation by storm.  There were so many emotions, levels of uncertainty, and chaos that ensued in just a few short weeks as we prepared to begin treating patients far and wide with substance use disorders. As the Executive Director of this facility, I knew that everyone was looking to me for answers: Would we actually open? How would we stay safe? How would we ensure our patients were safe? What changes needed to be made to ensure patients were receiving the best care while accounting for all these new health and safety measures? How would we keep our families and loved ones at home protected?  And most of all, how we would help our patients that were stepping through their own fear to move toward recovery during a global pandemic? I was humbled from the moment I took this position and humbled even more as we opened our doors on March 16th.  The truth is, as I have previously shared with much of our staff, I simply did not have all the answers or even a fraction of them much of the time. COVID-19 information and CDC guidelines were changing by the day, and sometimes it felt by the minute. I constantly leaned on other colleagues, medical professionals, friends, family, and most of all, each member of the Innovo Detox staff to help guide the organization toward answers, solutions, and faith that we were making the right choices in the safest ways possible.  Although leaders are often viewed as the ones that carry organizations through turbulent times, I can promise you that it was our compassionate and dedicated staff that carried me. The level of commitment, strength, motivation, and dedication demonstrated by them that allowed them to treat our patients, while continuously leaning on one another, is an experience that will be forever imprinted on my heart.  I cannot thank them each enough for the unwavering support they showed our patients and one another during this first year of operations.  Each staff member proved that we could and would be a facility that did not walk with fear but truly walked with hope and faith that those suffering with substance use disorders could and would recover through all of this.  We have had an incredible year and for that, I am eternally grateful.


I want to share just a few of the highlights that truly shaped Innovo Detox this year into being one of the most trusted detox providers for patients and for providers not only in our region but also nationwide:


  • This year, we successfully treated 463 patients since March 16th and of those 463, 84% of patients accepted the clinical recommendation for aftercare. That means they moved on in a personalized treatment continuum that may have included residential rehab or inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient (IOP) treatment, outpatient treatment, sober living, peer recovery support, individual therapy or psychiatry, and/or engaged in community recovery support organizations.


  • We were able to successfully utilize 98 different aftercare providers nationwide for aftercare options for our patients and families.


  • 93 different providers across the nation trusted us to treat their patients with substance use disorders, which included interventionists, family recovery coaches, hospitals, outpatient healthcare providers, sober livings or recovery homes, residential rehabs and inpatient treatment centers, IOPs, or individual clinical professionals.


  • Innovo Detox has hosted dozens of virtual in services and zoom meetings with trusted providers nationwide to ensure we were being collaborative and transparent.


  • We were able to onboard additional staff in each of the following departments to improve patient care: nursing, clinical, admissions, therapeutic assistants, and culinary. We are so grateful for those that joined the Innovo team!


  • At inception, we were able to implement a bi-monthly medical meeting that during our first year helped improve medical care, implement new detox protocols, and discuss ways to treat more medically complex patients with the help and knowledge of our entire medical team.


  • We were able to implement a system to engage patients 30 days post-discharge to track our alumni and receive feedback that can help improve our patient experience.


  • We have implemented weekly clinical meetings to ensure the clinical skill set and modalities utilized are best practices for our patients.


  • We have hosted countless family calls and interventions to provide well-rounded support to the entire family unit, as we know without this our patient’s road to recovery can be extremely challenging.


  • Innovo Detox and individual staff members have received countless letters, emails, phone calls and cards from both patients and families thanking the entire staff for their experience at Innovo.


With all that said, none of this would have been possible without the firm foundation of consistency, teamwork, and the strive for excellence that was built here at Innovo over the last 9 months of the year, and the first 9 months of our operations.  As we head into 2021, still dealing with a level of uncertainty, there is one thing I know for sure, and that is if we can make it through this year, we can make it through anything.  I will leave you with a few quotes that were received from our alumni surveys to ring in the New Year. These continually remind me that the work we do here at Innovo Detox is often more impactful than I or our staff members could even imagine.


“Patient reports he enjoyed his stay with Innovo. Patient reports staff was “great” and supportive of him. Patient reports he would not be where he is without Innovo and reports he learned a lot on how to cope without using substances.” – Alumni


“IP reported that he has never been to any detox that was as welcoming, and friendly as Innovo. IP reported he was impressed with the TA’s who go above and beyond for the patients, and that the admissions process was such a smooth transition. IP recommended Innovo to a friend who was struggling and drove his friend here when friend was ready to admit for detox.” – Alumni


“IP stated “I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t gone there”. IP reported he is grateful that we got him into IOP and he is grateful for everyone who worked with him at Innovo.” – Alumni


“Patient reports her time at Innovo changed her life. She stated that when she first came into treatment the idea of aftercare was not an option. Patient reported that she is grateful for what Innovo did for her that she has never felt so good and could think so clearly. Patient is wanting to come back to Innovo to speak” – Alumni


“IP reports he felt very well taken care of and that the facility was fantastic. IP reports that the food was amazing and the guys who work in the kitchen were amazing.” – Alumni


“IP reported that this facility was awesome, and that he recommended that one of his friends who was struggling reach out to us for help.” – Alumni


Wishing you and your families a very happy, healthy New Year!


Molly Ashcroft, CADC

Executive Director

Innovo Detox


If you or someone you know needs help for addiction or co-occurring disorders, please give us a call. Innovo Detox offers the latest in evidence-based medical, psychiatric, and clinical care for those in need of detox and medical stabilization in Pennsylvania and the surrounding Mid-Atlantic area. If we aren’t the best fit for you or a loved one, we will take the necessary time to work with you to find a detox, rehab, treatment center or provider that better fits your needs. Please give us a call at (717) 619-3260 or email our team at For more information on our company or services, please visit our website at