Pennsylvania Mental Health Treatment at Innovo

Advancing The Forefront of Treatment To Support Wellness and Renewal

Find Lifelong Healing with Mental Health Treatment at Innovo

Innovo is pleased to offer our community cutting-edge primary mental health treatment.

The complexities of mental health are still a vague and elusive concept for many. Intellectually, we know what it is. But connecting the dots between a mental health illness, the impact it has on your potential, and what to do to address or overcome it is far less clear.

This state can feel lonely, isolating, and hopeless. Our Pennsylvania mental health treatment solutions offer clarity and practical guidance to help you or a loved one navigate the challenges of a mental health disorder. Stability and self-efficacy are possible with the right support. Come and be renewed.

Mental Health Fast Facts

  • Mental health encompasses our overall well-being (thoughts, feelings, and actions).
  • A mental health disorder is often characterized by a persistent and negative impact on function and well-being.
  • One in five Americans will suffer from a mental health condition in any given year.
  • Common mental health issues include Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Bipolar Disorder, Personality Disorders, Suicidal Ideation, Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders, and Co-Occurring Disorders with Substance Use Disorders.
  • Treating mental health challenges in early recovery includes Medical Stabilization and Inpatient Treatment.

Understanding Mental Health

Mental health encompasses our overall well-being. It includes our emotional resilience, psychological fitness, and social aptitude, which impact how we feel, think, and act.

One in five Americans will meet the criteria for a mental health condition in a single year, and nearly half of the U.S. will do the same in their lifetime.[1] These numbers alone are both encouraging, as you’re not alone in your struggles, but also sobering, as mental health challenges are clearly a debilitating factor in the overall well-being of our nation.

Contributing influences to mental health disorders include genetics and biology, experiences and trauma, and family history.[2] A bad day or a single negative episode isn’t in the same category as a persistent impact on personal well-being and overall functioning.

If you or a loved one are struggling with a mental illness or mental health crisis that interferes with your daily life and holds you back from your highest potential, we can help. Reach out to our admissions team today to get clarity on the treatment process and what to expect.

Mental Health Treatment Programs At Innovo

Our primary mental health services are a structured residential treatment solution for stabilization and ongoing support. Each patient will first work directly with our mental health professionals to complete an extensive evaluation covering all aspects of your well-being. Once admitted, you will participate in an individualized treatment program across two primary levels of care that focus on your unique needs as determined by your treatment plan.

  • Mental Health Stabilization: Gaining stability is a chance to reset body, mind, and soul and start fresh. Here, you will receive intensive care, medication management, and hands-on support to help you build a foundation for the next phase of treatment
  • Residential Mental Health Treatment: Continue your recovery at our comfortable inpatient mental health center, where there are no distractions and practical help is just down the hall. Here, you will continue essential mental and behavioral health therapies to build the skills you need for sustained stability and well-being.

Our primary mental health services are a structured residential treatment solution for stabilization and ongoing support. Each patient will first work directly with our mental health professionals to complete an extensive evaluation covering all aspects of your well-being. Once admitted, you will participate in an individualized treatment program across two primary levels of care that focus on your unique needs as determined by your treatment plan.

What Mental Health Conditions Can You Help With?

Every patient’s experience with mental health issues will be different and span a wide array of challenges. Our community-based inpatient treatment programs provide an insulated and safe space for you to navigate any mental health condition, including the following:

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Depression, or Major Depressive Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Personality Disorders
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • Schizophrenia
  • Mood Disorders
  • Co-Occurring Disorders and Dual Diagnosis with Substance Use Disorders

What Does Mental Health Treatment Look Like At Innovo?

During your stay with us, you will participate in both group and individual therapy sessions that offer trauma-informed and culturally appropriate care. Innovo brings the latest in innovative and evidence-based therapies and wellness interventions to propel you or your loved one toward healing. Some or all of the following modalities may be included in your treatment plan, as determined by our medical and clinical care team.

  • Attachment-Based Therapy
  • Choice Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Compassion-Focused Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Emotion-Focused Therapy
  • Family Systems Therapy
  • Grief Therapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Object Relations Therapy
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Structural Therapy
  • Strengths-Based Therapy
  • Yoga Therapy

Get The Mental Health Treatment You Need Today

Innovo was founded in 2020 with a clear mission to provide the finest quality care with respect and compassion. If you or your loved one is struggling through life and suffering from a mental health disorder, we can help. Reach out today to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mental Health Treatment in Pennsylvania

The cost of treatment is determined by the recommended level of care, assigned treatment modalities, and the duration of your stay. In many cases, insurance often covers costs in part or whole. To learn what you can expect in terms of cost and payment options, contact our admissions team.

The timeline for residential mental health treatment varies from person to person, depending on the severity of the disorder and unique individual needs. However, we do require a minimum 14-day commitment, and on average, patients stay with us for 14 to 21 days.

Once you’ve completed an inpatient level of care, continuing care is highly recommended. The Innovo clinical team will connect you with reliable and trustworthy outpatient mental health treatment programs in Pennsylvania where you can seamlessly transition into a lower level of care.

[1]Mental Health America. (n.d.). Quick facts and statistics about mental health. Mental Health America. Retrieved June 7, 2024, from

[2]Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (n.d.). What is mental health?. SAMHSA. Retrieved June 7, 2024, from